Thank you to our conference sponsors!


Lazenby & Associates, Inc.
Hardesty & Hanover
Pavia Systems
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Stanley Consultants
Gresham Smith & Partners
Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc.
Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Company
Mott MacDonald
Transportation Excellence Awards
The Louisiana Transportation Conference (LTC) is a biannual opportunity for our engineering community to gather and exchange information on a broad array of topics of interest to DOTD, consultant and contractor employees.
It has been traditional to recognize special achievement in engineering and construction projects performed by the Department and our transportation partners as a part of the LTC. This competition recognizes the "best of the best" projects, demonstrating dedication of all of us to providing the highest quality in transportation infrastructure to our customers, the citizens of Louisiana and the users of our highways, transit systems, airports, ports and other public works.
The award recipients will be recognized during a conference awards ceremony on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.
The categories of entry for the awards (one for each category) are as follows:
~Roadway/Bridge Construction Project under $10 million
~Roadway/Bridge Construction Project over $10 million
~Other Infrastructure Construction Project under $10 million
~Other Infrastructure Construction Project over $10 million
~Bridge Design Project Development
~Road Design Project Development
~Intermodal/Public Works Project Development
~Context Sensitive Solution/Public Involvement
~Use of Innovative Product or Technology
~Special Achievement in Customer Service
Information on the awards and judging criteria can be found on the entry form.
The deadline for entry is January 11, 2018. Award recipients will be notified by February 8, 2018.
Please contact Ed Wedge, DOTD Deputy Chief Engineer, with any questions at