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Thank you to our conference sponsors!


Lazenby & Associates, Inc.
Hardesty & Hanover
Pavia Systems
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Stanley Consultants
Gresham Smith & Partners
Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc.
Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Company
Mott MacDonald
Conference attendees are responsible for making their own room reservations for overnight stays. When making reservations please identify yourself as an attendee of the 2018 Louisiana Transportation Conference to ensure that you receive the conference rate.
Please confirm your room rate when you make your reservations and confirm the room rate upon your arrival at the hotel. Please assist us in keeping conference costs down by meeting our room block requirements at the hotel. Please note: Any attendee not identifying his/her affiliation with the group and not requesting the conference rate prior to check-in cannot be extended the conference rate at a later date or during or after the meeting. State of Louisiana employees, please print and complete your State of Louisiana Governmental Employees Hotel Lodging Sales/Use Tax Exemption Certificate form before checking in the hotel.
Belle of Baton Rouge Hotel
Reservations: Call 1-800-266-2692. Guests will need to provide code “DTB25A” or identify yourself as a part of the “2018 Louisiana Transportation Conference” to receive the group rate.
Reservation Deadline: Sunday, February 11, 2018
Room Rate: $94.00 plus applicable taxes
Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center
Reservations on-line: http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/B/BTRCPHF-SLDT-20180224/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG
Reservations: Call 1-800-955-6962. Guests will need to provide code “SLDT” or identify yourself as part of the “2018 Louisiana Transportation Conference" to receive the group rate.
Reservation Deadline: Sunday, February 11, 2018
Room Rates: $97.00 plus applicable taxes