Thank you to our conference sponsors!


Lazenby & Associates, Inc.
Hardesty & Hanover
Pavia Systems
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Stanley Consultants
Gresham Smith & Partners
Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc.
Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Company
Mott MacDonald
Conference Registration
Government Employee | $200 |
LADOTD Employee | No charge |
LADOTD Retiree | $150 |
Private Industry | $425 |
Speaker | No charge |
Students | No charge |
University Employee | $200 |
Online registration is now closed. Walk-in registration will be open from 2-6 pm on Sunday, Feb. 25 at the River Center and again at 7 am on Monday, Feb. 26.
CLICK HERE to manage your profile in the LTRC Event Management System.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Everyone attending the 2018 LTC must register for this event using the LTRC Event Management System.
Some things to note on setting up your profile and registering for LTRC sponsored events:
• Google Chrome is the preferred browser when using this system.
• You will create a profile in order to enroll in any event. This will only be done on your initial visit to the website.
• You will set up a username and password to manage this profile.
• Your password should be between 6-12 characters long.
• Please hold onto the email that confirms your profile.
• Once logged in, you will find a list of current events available for enrollment, including the 2018 LTC.
• After completing your 2018 LTC registration, you will receive an email confirmation. Please hold onto this email as well.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please email
For hotel information, please visit the accommodations page.
Refunds and Cancellations
If you cannot attend the Conference, you may transfer your registration to another attendee or request a refund in writing no less than 30 days prior to the conference opening date. Cancellations received in writing to the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) by 4:30 p.m. on January 26, 2018 will be refunded, less a $25 handling fee. No refunds will be made after January 26, 2018.