LTRC research projects often result in outcomes delivered via software or web applications, spreadsheets, and end-user tools, among others. These items are housed here on the research product implementation page for easy reference.
GIS Web Application for Synthesis of Fault Traces in SE Louisiana
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Southeast Louisiana faults spatially located as research results from Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) project 18-3GT and Tran-SET Project No. 17GTLSU12. The research project spatially located fault interpretations from previous studies and scientific journal publications. Descriptive criteria for reliability of fault locations were developed and are based on resources used in the interpretation and map scale: Level 1 suspected faults – described in the literature and included here from georeferenced maps; Level 2 identified faults – those observed on 2D or 3D seismic and mapped in a geographic reference system; Level 3 confirmed faults – mapped on seismic and ground-truthed with field methods including age-dated sediment borings and high-resolution seismic. Research project full report and author citation is available at:
Note: ArcGIS Online Supported browsers information:
Corrosion Map for Metal Pipes in Coastal Louisiana
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A combination of data, obtained from field surveys provided by the Louisiana Transportation Research Center and Web Soil Survey Data provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, was used to create an interpolated GIS surface representing zones of corrosion potential to metal culverts. The corrosion potential was calculated for coastal Louisiana based on soil properties. Areas of similar corrosion behavior were grouped together based on expected life span of metal pipes and were classified accordingly.
Note: Different users have experienced GIS data layers not loading in both Internet Explorer and Chrome. In all test cases, if one browser did not work the other did. For more information, see ArcGIS Online Supported browsers:
NCHRP Soil Properties of Louisiana
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This GIS web application returns soil properties for subgrade materials developed under the NCHRP Project 09-23B for all of Louisiana, searchable by LADOTD Control Section, LADOTD LRS-ID or LADOTD project numbers.
Note: Different users have experienced GIS data layers not loading in both Internet Explorer and Chrome. In all test cases, if one browser did not work the other did. For more information, see ArcGIS Online Supported browsers:
Louisiana Roadway Tree Distress
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This GIS web application displays layer of roadway distress resultant from tree growth as reported to LTRC for project 12-2P.
***This dataset is not all inclusive as it is dependent upon reporting from the LADOTD districts.***
The roadway distress information can be searched by LADOTD District number or LADOTD Control Section number. Additionally, the soil properties for subgrade materials developed under the NCHRP Project 09-23B for all of Louisiana is included as a polygon layer for reference.
Note: Different users have experienced GIS data layers not loading in both Internet Explorer and Chrome. In all test cases, if one browser did not work the other did. For more information, see ArcGIS Online Supported browsers:
Louisiana Soil Classification by Cone Penetration Test - Soil CPT 4.0 »
LSC-CPT, Louisiana Soil Classification by Cone Penetration Test, is a software program developed for use on a Microsoft Windows platform. Five CPT soil classification methods were implemented into the software: Schmertmann (1978), Douglas and Olsen (1981), Robertson et al. (1986), and the probabilistic region estimation and fuzzy CPT classification by Zhang and Tumay (1999).
DISCLAIMER: LTRC provides this software as-is. Once installed, the software includes an About section that provides information on data input requirements, data units and methods. Although this software should install on Windows 10 if all installation wizard questions are accepted, no support will be provided by LTRC for assistance with installation or use of the software itself because it was compiled for older versions of Windows.
Louisiana Pile Design by Cone Penetration Test - Windows 7 » - Windows 2000 » - Windows XP »
LPD-CPT, Louisiana Pile Design by Cone Penetration Test, is a design analysis software program developed for use on a Microsoft Windows platform. The program provides three analytical methods to predict the load capacity of driven precast concrete piles using electronic cone penetration data. The methods are: deRuiter/Beringen, Bustamante/Gianeselli (LCPC), and Schmertmann.
DISCLAIMER: LTRC provides this software as-is. Once installed, the software includes an About section that provides information on data input requirements, data units and methods. Although this software should install on Windows 10 if all installation wizard questions are accepted, no support will be provided by LTRC for assistance with installation or use of the software itself because it was compiled for older versions of Windows.
Updated Louisiana Pile Design by Cone Penetration Test »
Updated LPD-CPT, Updated Louisiana Pile Design by Cone Penetration Test, is an updated version of the design and analysis software program developed for use on a Microsoft Windows platform. The program included eight pile-CPT methods: LCPC, ERTC3, Probabilistic, Philipponnat, De Ruiter and Beringen, Schmertmann, and modified Schmertmann methods, in addition to the combined method. The software can plot the ultimate pile capacity with depth for three different scenarios: no pre-bore, pre-bore (casing), and long-term scour condition. The LPD-CPT software was also updated to include batch analysis for the different bents in a bridge. The current version of the software is under testing phase.
DISCLAIMER: LTRC provides this software as-is. Once installed, the software includes an About section that provides information on data input requirements, data units and methods. Although this software should install on Windows 10 if all installation wizard questions are accepted, no support will be provided by LTRC for assistance with installation or use of the software itself because it was compiled for older versions of Windows.
Input Worksheet-Assessing Performance of Alternative Pavement Marking Materials
PMValue.xlsm »
This program automates the analysis described in Technical Assistance Report 08-4TA: Assessing Performance of Alternative Pavement Marking Materials.
Note: After opening this file, you must enable the macros. Click on the "Options" button next to the security alert at the top of the spreadsheet; then click on the radio button next to "Enable this content."
Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
DCP Field Data Recording Sheet Version 1 »
DCP Field Data Input Template Version 2 »
DCP Package » *Not a final version, work in progress.*
DISCLAIMER: LTRC provides this software as-is. Once installed, the software includes an About section that provides information on data input requirements, data units and methods. Although this software should install on Windows 10 if all installation wizard questions are accepted, no support will be provided by LTRC for assistance with installation or use of the software itself because it was compiled for older versions of Windows.