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Cardno TBE
ECM Consultants, Inc.
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Transportation Excellence Awards
The Louisiana Transportation Conference (LTC) is a biannual opportunity for our engineering community to gather and exchange information on a broad array of topics of interest to DOTD, consultant and contractor employees.
It has been traditional to recognize special achievement in engineering and construction projects performed by our transportation partners as a part of the LTC. This competition recognizes the "best of the best" projects, demonstrating dedication of all of us to providing the highest quality in transportation infrastructure to our customers, the citizens of Louisiana and the users of our highways, transit systems, airports, ports and other public works.
The award recipients will be recognized during the Closing Luncheon of the LTC on Wednesday, February 20, 2013.
2013 DOTD Transportation Excellence Awards Announced
Roadway/Bridge Construction < $ 10 Million:
LA 160 Integral Abutment Bridges (SPN H.001164)
Zolan Prucz (Modjeski & Masters Engineer), and Buck Ouyang (Modjeski & Masters Engineer)
In replacing the existing Caney Creek and Bodcau Bayou Bridges, the LA DOTD Bridge Design Section decided to utilize a pilot project for the use of fully integral abutments, the first of their kind in Louisiana. The idea behind the Integrated Abutment Bridge is to eliminate the expansion joints along the bridge deck and expansion bearings at the abutments by accommodating the thermal movement of the entire bridge at the ends of the approach slab. Modjeski & Masters worked as part of the design team to identify design and detail issues, perform special design checks and analyses, develop solutions and deliver the design product.
Roadway/Bridge Construction > $ 10 Million:
John James Audubon Mississippi River Bridge and Approaches (SPN 052-02-0024)
LA DOTD Bridge Design Section, Louisiana TIMED Managers, and Audubon Bridge Constructors
This project is part of the Transportation Infrastructure Model for Economic Development (TIMED) program. This cable-stayed bridge, with the longest main span in the Western Hemisphere at 1581feet and 520 foot high towers, was constructed utilizing Design-Build methodology by Audubon Bridge Constructors managed by Louisiana TIMED Managers (LTM). It replaces the existing ferry between Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana Parishes, providing a dependable, safe and efficient crossing of the river. Mr. Fossier served as the DOTD Project Manager during project development, contractor procurement, 5-year design and construction and the 1-year warranty period.
Other Infrastructure Construction < $ 10 Million:
Statewide Signing Upgrade & Enhanced Mile Marker Projects
LA DOTD Sign Design Unit (Alan Dale, Project Manager)
The primary purpose of the upgrades, performed as a series of eight district-wide projects, was to provide overhead Interstate signs with new sign sheeting meeting the requirements published in the 2000 edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Utilizing $ 4.39 Million in surplus funds, overhead signs were upgraded to high-intensity prismatic sheeting utilizing Clearview Font and 2,821 enhanced mile markers were installed. The installation of the enhanced mile markers was noted as a key factor in the award to LA DOTD of the 2011 AASHTO Safety Leadership Award.
Other Infrastructure Construction > $ 10 Million:
Rebuilding General DeGaulle Crossings
Barriere Construction
This project was required to correct drainage in the General DeGaulle Canal, which was re-engineered to hold more water and move water out of the canal faster to avoid street flooding. Improvements were made at six intersections to dig out the canal and install 55 foot-wide by 11foot-tall double barrel concrete box culverts and rebuild the six cross streets. They utilized sand dams on the upstream side to keep water out of the work area and could close no more than two consecutive intersections at a time to avoid traffic congestion. The project was completed in 700 work days for $20.1 Million with no lost-time accidents.
Bridge Design Project Development:
I-210 Pier 24 & 25 Protection Replacement
F. Miller Construction Company
F. Miller Construction, the original constructor of the river piers, was low bidder to replace the deteriorated protection systems at Piers 24 and 25 of the bridge over the Calcasieu River Ship Channel. The new piers, designed to minimize marine collision exposure, were built against and over the existing pier footings without additional loads on the pier foundations. The project site was only accessible by water. The new dolphins are taller, 45-foot diameter pairs filled with over 34,000 tons of stone capped with 6 feet thick reinforced mass concrete.
Road Design Project Development:
River Road Relocation associated with the L'Auberge Casino Development
Stantec, Inc.
The construction of a new casino/hotel complex south of Baton Rouge required the relocation of historic River Road to reduce potential pedestrian-vehicle conflicts and enhance overall site functionality and access. This was accomplished utilizing three roundabouts and conversion of the existing road to a two-lane divided curb-and-gutter roadway section with paved shoulders for about 1 mile in length. Stantec, formerly ABMB Engineers, provided the design and permit coordination effort between the developer, LA DOTD and numerous other agencies for the improvement through a cooperative endeavor agreement.
Intermodal/Public Works Project Development:
Lafayette Regional Airport EMAS
LA DOTD Aviation Section, and Lafayette Regional Airport
Due to the lack of sufficient length for a standard runway safety area for Runway 4R due to the close proximity of Vermillion River, an innovative solution was needed to stop aircraft which overshoot the runway. The Lafayette Regional Airport contracted with URS to design the Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS), which is composed of crushable beds made of light-weight concrete that provide a safe and controlled stop for aircraft. The overall project is unique and meets Federal Aviation Administration safety standards.
Context Sensitive Solutions/Public Involvement:
US 171 Roundabout at LA 8/LA 28 in Leesville
LA DOTD Public Information Section
The four-legged roundabout replaced a signalized T-intersection to improve safety and traffic flow. The Public Information Section developed a comprehensive communication plan to involve the traveling public, legislators, local officials, media and area businesses. This included an open-house public meeting at the onset of the project, groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies, Facebook pages, e-mail updates, educational materials, PowerPoint presentations, videos on using a roundabout, as well as Fact Sheets and brochures.
Use of Innovative Product or Technology:
Surface Resistivity Meter
Louisiana Transportation Research Center
After the devastation caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, LA DOTD decided that the use of high performance concrete would provide a long service life for the replacement of the Caminada Bay Bridge and I-10 Twin Spans. However, this required permeability testing for all concrete placement on a lot basis, which is expensive and time consuming when using chloride ponding methods or specified rapid chloride permeability test. Introduction and use of the surface resistivity meter allowed more timely payment of contractors, quicker shipping of precast elements, and operational savings to LA DOTD. Preliminary cost-benefit data indicate that this test method will save LA DOTD over $100,000 in personnel costs in the first year of implementation and nearly $1.5 Million in contractor quality control costs.
Special Achievement in Customer Satisfaction:
Improving the DOTD-Local Public Agency Partnerships to Enhance the
Local Transportation System
Ann Wills, DOTD Local Public Agency Liaison &
Marie Walsh and Nick Verret, Local Technical Assistance Program
2011, LA DOTD created a position to provide a focal point for local program activities and improve the effectiveness of services provided on behalf of, or in partnership with local entities. Ann Wills was named to this position. In the short period in which Ms. Wills has held this position, she has brought together all the many DOTD offices which regularly interact with Local Public Agencies. Her leadership has resulted in the first comprehensive manual detailing the DOTD program and Federal-aid information needed by LPAs was completed. Ann led the effort, with the valuable assistance of the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), to disseminate the information through stakeholder involvement, which resulted in development of a comprehensive training and outreach program. This is a team effort involving many DOTD, FHWA and local participants. The dedication to excellence in championing the LPA project delivery process has resulted in significant improvement through collaborative solutions.