Thank you to our
conference sponsors!


Cardno TBE
ECM Consultants, Inc.
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.
Sponsorship Information
The Louisiana Transportation Conference is a unique opportunity for transportation professionals from government, academia and private industry to exchange ideas and information relative to transportation policy, practice, and problems. The conference will be offering sponsorship opportunities to corporate entities. Each year, the LTC has grown in attendance-the 2011 conference had over 1,500 attendees from Louisiana and the entire nation. The conference also provides for the educational enhancement of the transportation engineering community, presenting information on innovative technologies and offering professional development opportunities.
The conference is being hosted by the Louisiana Transportation Research Center. Your sponsorship support will help defray the cost of hosting this event and allow for more networking opportunities with other transportation professionals. Tiered sponsorship packages are described below.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Platinum ($20,000)
* Complimentary double-size booth in exhibitor area
* Recognition at the opening session
* Invitation for four guests to the VIP breakfast
* Four complimentary delegate registrations
* Prominent listing in the conference program*
* Prominent listing throughout the conference
* Recognition at the closing ceremony
* Prominent link to company Web site (with logo) from the conference Web site
Gold Sponsor ($10,000)
* Complimentary booth in exhibitor area
* Invitation for two guests to the VIP breakfast
* Two complimentary delegate registrations
* Prominent listing in the conference program*
* Prominent listing throughout the conference
* Recognition at the closing ceremony
* Prominent link to company Web site (with logo) from the conference Web site
Silver Sponsor ($5,000)
* One complimentary delegate registration
* Invitation for one guest to the VIP breakfast
* Listing in the conference program*
* Listing throughout the conference
* Text link to company Web site from the conference Web site
Bronze Sponsor ($2,500)
* Listing in the conference program*
* Listing throughout the conference
* Listing on the conference Web site
*Sponsorship must be received by Wednesday, January 23, 2013, to receive this benefit. Sponsors registering after this deadline will be added to the program in an insert.
The final sponsorship deadline is February 6, 2013.
If you have any questions about sponsorships, please contact Emily Wolfe at or (225) 767-9145.