Field Monitoring and Measurements Education:

A Model for Civil and Environmental Engineering

Student Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for the added Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) content in the undergraduate curriculum was developed in compliance with Bloom’s taxonomy of levels of cognitive learning.


A. Bloom’s Cognitive Levels of Learning (lower to higher)


  • Knowledge (K): rote memorization, recognition or recall of facts (information gathering)
  • Comprehension (C): understanding what the facts mean (confirming- information gathering or use of information)
  • Application (Ap): correct use of the facts, rule or ideas (making use of the knowledge)
  • Analysis (An): breaking down the information into component parts (taking apart)
  • Synthesis (S): combination of facts, ideas and information to make a new whole (putting together)
  • Evaluation (E): judging or forming an opinion about the information or (judging the outcome)



B. Rationale and implementation


  1. Current situation: Little to no mention of SHM much less of SHM content in the undergraduate curriculum. May be able to draw on the content in Physics or mechanics or materials testing laboratories normally found in CEE Curricula to explain sensor technology.
  2. Consequences: SHM content will need to encompass the lower levels of cognitive learning; i.e., Knowledge, Comprehension, and Application, (Foundational Education Modules- FEMs and Discipline-Specific Education Modules- SEMs) as prerequisite to engaging in assignments encompassing the Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation cognitive levels (Discipline-Specific Assignment Modules- SAMs).
  3. Implementation: The FEMs will be implemented in the Structural Analysis course whereas the SEMs and SAMs will be implemented in the Reinforced Concrete Design course.



C. SHM Learning Outcomes


1. Foundational Education Module 1 (FEM1): An Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring

  • To be able to identify (K) and distinguish (C) the components, categories, classifications and advantages/benefits of SHM systems.
  • To be able to relate (Ap) the components of a viable SHM system in a schematic drawing.
  • To be able to describe (K) the benefits of implementing SHM.

2. Foundational Education Module 2 (FEM2): SHM Methodology and Testing Categories

  • To be able to summarize (C) SHM methodology.
  • To be able to explain (C) SHM testing categories.
  • To be able to distinguish (C) the specific applications of SHM.

3. Foundational Education Module 3 (FEM3): Sensor and Data Acquisition Technology

  • To be able to identify (K) and explain (Ap) sensor technology.
  • To be able to describe (K) typical data acquisition components and systems used for SHM.
  • To be able to identify factors (K) that influence the choice of sensors.
  • To be able to choose (Ap) a specific device for a specific monitoring or measurement application.

4. Foundational Education Module 4 (FEM4): Analysis and Interpretation of SHM Sensor Data

  • To be able to explain (C) the various possible sources of errors in SHM and the means used to minimize such errors.
  • To be able to identify (K) factors/conditions that affect SHM sensor performance/data and explain (Ap) methods to minimize the effects of these factors/conditions.
  • To be able to interpret (Ap) and analyze (An) SHM sensor data for the purpose of identifying anomalies.

5. Discipline-Specific Education Module 1 (SEM1): Application of SHM Monitoring Systems to Bridges

  • To be able to apply (Ap) SHM technology to bridges.
  • To be able to classify (An) bridge SHM systems.

6. Discipline-Specific Education Module 2 (SEM2):

  • To be able to judge (E) when it may be appropriate to apply SHM technology/monitoring to a structure or process rather than conventional or refined structural analysis.

7. Discipline-Specific Assignment Module 1 (SAM1):

  • Analyze (An) a set of SHM data and compare to structural analysis results (E).

8. Discipline-Specific Assignment Module 1 (SAM2):

  • Given the properties and characteristics of a structure, design (S) a SHM system to achieve a specific outcome.

9. Discipline-Specific Assignment Module 3 (SAM3):

  • Assess (E) the suitability of a SHM monitoring system for a given set of circumstances.
  • Recommend (E) modification to improve the system.

Note: Only one of the DSAMs would be assigned for a given class. Could be a 2-3 student group project

D. ABET Criterion 3. Student Outcomes

The program must have documented student outcomes that prepare graduates to attain the program educational objectives. Student outcomes are outcomes (a) through (k) plus any additional outcomes that may be articulated by the program.

(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(g) an ability to communicate effectively

(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context

(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues

(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering



E. Mapping SHM Learning Outcomes into ABET Student Outcomes

Given the ABET Criterion for Student Outcomes listed above, the Learning Outcomes for Structural Health Monitoring will contribute to satisfying the following ABET Student Outcomes:

(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering


4101 Gourrier Ave.

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Phone: (225) 767-9131